FRO to fbo

If you are a professional freelancer, a participant in the gig economy, the shared service sector or simply an independent practitioner in an established industry, your immediate goal is to take more jobs, submit more proposals and sign more contracts to survive and achieve gradual incremental growth if you are consistent over a long period. It becomes a numbers game, and the more you apply the more you end up getting, but you know you only have 24 hours a day and you can’t stretch your marketing budget beyond a certain point if you are lucky enough to have one. I call it the Freelance Vicious Cycle and you could get stuck in this stage for a lifetime.

At this point, your most important goal is to increase your income and diversify your income sources. This a classic Freelancer Red Ocean FRO phenomena, which means you are only working as hard as the next person competing for the same job, and the only way for you to win is to sell yourself short. Now the key to transforming your freelance career is to move from the FRO to the Freelancer Blue Ocean FBO. FBO can help you break from the freelancer cycle and will provide you with the opportunity to grow and evolve into your next higher self.

Walk the talk

If you wake up in the middle of the night making amendments to your financial plan or endlessly modifying your MPV and you have postponing the launch date 500 times before, this package may be for you. In this package together we will work on establishing the ground rules for your venture, carefully crafting a strategy that promises delivery and a process that helps you get things in order.

You will go through our Learning and Growth L&G strategy formulated in two stages:
1. Learning stage
2. Growth stage

Where in the first stage we will learn more about your market and how your potential product could be the solution. At this stage, we look at data, information and a lot of industry reports. Together we will conduct a market positioning exercise and build that business plan together. The growth stage is where you apply all the learning that have immediate and short term impact. All our programs follow L& G strategy to maximize the return and impact. Under the Walk The Talk Coaching Package and we will commit to stand by you for a minimum of 6 months.

Early Stage

At this stage you already have a team in place and you have already launched your products or service to your target markets. This point is where many entrepreneurs get the shock of their life, because for many startups it’s a race with time, to generate revenue, to sell that one more product, to hold on recruitment till they can afford it. At this stage as the founder and CEO you are probably juggling three other functions already be it HR, sales, marketing or finance. You are probably sleeping a few hours a night and your social life has come to a standstill the moment you embarked on this journey.

We can’t tell promise to sell the products you have already made, but we can help you validate your business model, perform A/B testing and conduct market surveys. All this will help align your market strategy and business objectives. To work with startups is a non-ending work and the challenges are always of different nature, yes, we know, and that’s why we are doing this. We like challenges as much as you do. CRACK THE CODE Package is design to work with a team. This engagement is a 12 month commitment.

Copyrights Jamalnassar.com 2020