About: Excessive emotional package and mental clutter can block you from making good decisions, stop you from achieving your goals and reaching your potential. In this program, you will be able to systematically control your urges and small addictions whatever they may be. You will learn how to get rid of major negative emotions using NLP Neuro-Linguistics Programming. You will be able to achieve mental clarity and ultimately Self-Mastery only if you are committed enough. You will be able to take your life to the next level once you achieve emotional & mental fitness. The SIFUProgram is all about Self-Mastery.

Learning: this package will teach you the Emotional Wheel Model, and you will learn more about how your brain functions, and you will be exposed to powerful paradigm-shifting concepts that are based on scientific research like Neuroplasticity, left-brain, right-brain and the unique electromagnetic healing power of the heart.  

Outcome: The SIFU Program will help you substantially reduce if not remove completely access emotional package, treating certain dramatic events in the past (when possible) and systematically removing mental blocks using the power of NLP. The program will help achieve Triangulation Alignment between sould body and mind.

What You Get:
12 months L&G Coaching
2 virtual meetings a month (60 minutes/each)
Text and email support.

Value Add:
Achieve Triangulation Alignment
Free “Learn & Growth” ebook.
Financial Assessments
Personal Developments Guides

Every meeting is 60 minutes with a 15 minutes’ pre-session chat.  
Remember your commitment is key to the success of this program. Enroll only if you are committed and willing to put the time and effort. All coaching sessions are designed with pre or post-session assignments and you will be held accountable for.

*Please note the duration of all packages is flexible to meet your needs.
Book your “Transformer” Coaching Package and boost your career to new heights.


SELF MASTERY COACHING PROGRAM 12 MONTHS Save $1500 when you make one time payment


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